GSoC Week 11

 This week can be characterized as "Struggle and Progress"

I worked on two major things this week,

- Integrated the ever so complex kaggle RSNA mammography top performing model

- Codebase deep dive and coding for React OHIF hook implementation

Kaggle RSNA Mammography Model Integration

After going through the codebase multiple times and fixing the inference code on my local everything was working fine except for the part where the image is cropped using a YOLO model or an Otsu thresholding method before being passed to the final classification ConvNext Model.

The issues I faced were,

The models were tuned for specific GPUs to run much faster but for the LH application we would need to run on CPU or GPU based on their availability. So I needed to use the unoptimized models and figure out a few other complexities surrounding them such as modifying a chunk of codebase, identifying the right model to initialize, etc

There were a lot of dependency issues for the YOLO model which I had to figure out. More than codebase related errors, dependency errors took a chunk of my time. I was reminded of the statement "it works on my system". Changes were made to the Docker file and to the codebase to accommodate dependency issues.

Finally after resolving all these, resolving dependency issues, passing test cases the new AI model still wouldn't run. After a lot of head scratching I figured out the docker containers running on my local were failing because the model size was larger than usual and there was not enough memory so it just exited without throwing any errors making it difficult to debug.

React OHIF hook implementation

I did a lot of code deep dive to understand how to proceed with implementation. I started with adding a button to the OHIF toolbar but it never showed up in the application. I made multiple changes but still no luck. This is one of the initial parts I'm trying to figure out.

After that I will need to connect the implemented buttons to the controllers and from there to the backend AI Model Service calls from the Java app.

I will need to push harder and harder this week to get a lot of stuff done! Hoping for the best!


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